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Protection Plan

Who needs coverage?

The simple answer, unless you consider yourself to be a very lucky person, is that everyone needs some type of protection whether that is your own insurance or our protection plan. If your home owner’s or business policy cover rental equipment, fantastic! If not, please consider adding in the optional protection plan we offer. Though having insurance or our protection plan is NOT manditory to rent gear, believe us, you’ll sleep easier knowing that our gear in your hands is covered just in case something happens!

What will the protection plan cover?

The protection plan will cover repair or replacement of a lens if it is damaged. You will then be responsible for paying the deductible which is 10% of the replacement value. If you do not purchase the optional rental insurance, you will be responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged gear.

Without protection plan

You rent a lens that has a value of $1,000 and you then damage the lens while you are renting it and the lens requires repairs totaling $300.

You are responsible for the entire $300.

With our protection plan

You rent a lens that has a value of $1,000 and you purchase the protection plan. You then damage the lens while you are renting it and the lens requires repairs totaling $300.

You are responsible for paying the deductible of $100 ($1,000 x 10%). We will pay for the additional $200 for the repair.

How much does the protection plan cost?

Prices vary based on the equipment you rent. Just check the "Add Protection Plan" checkbox in your shopping cart when renting gear. It doesn’t matter how long you rent the gear, the protection plan always costs the same.

What isn't covered?

Loss due to negligence on the part of the renter will not be covered. Theft will not be covered. Water, sand or particulate damage will also not be covered.

Have some more questions about the plan?

No problem! We’re here to help! Give us a ring at 877.578.4777. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!